European Islands
What comes into your mind when somebody says "Europe"? Whenever another person says this word, we immediately think of cold weathers and infinitely grey skies. Not just this, we also picture out medieval castles, very beautiful natural sceneries, and of course, Royalties. How about age old literature, time tested arts, and ageless music? As what they shout in a game of darts, "Bulls eye" is the term to say.How about picturing out islands? I only have two places that I'm sure are European islands: the British isle and Avalon. All thanks to King Arthur and his knights, for without them, most people wouldn't know that such kind of geographical piece exists in Europe. Here's a geographic 101 for you, Europe may be a continent but it has a lot of islands spattered all over the place, mind you.

So now, if you are planning to vacationl to Europe, try to include getting to its islands, better yet, visit the best European islands. Before I tell you what the best isles in the continent are, let's cite first the big difference between European islands from those found in the Pacific and Atlantic. First is the climate. Due to the geographical location, they don't have the tropical climate. Instead, expect moderate to cold climates, so don't bring ultra light clothes.
See, Europe is more than just what you think it is. It offers you a world of adventure and experience.
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